A downloadable game for Windows

Game Jam : DAY 2 - Pass the GAME Challenge 2023

Controls :

 movement : a,d or left and right arrow keys

jump : spacebar or w or up arrow


Descriptions :

Day 1 : 

done by https://itch.io/jam/day-1/rate/2187710


Day 2 :

Picked up by San2Art (https://san2art.itch.io/)

Github : https://github.com/San2biswas/Pass_the_GAME_Challenge_2023

Work done: 

- make an ability and assign keys ("E") which can create a child bomb

- duplicated and inheritated all acording to the primary bomb but colored yellowish

- added jumpiness to it

- make an ability and assign keys ("Q") which can make the bom floating for some time then when it drops it gets huge explotion

Visual update :

- added "Effect_1", "Effect_2", "Effect_3", "Effect_3" for live feel (fx : colorize, distortion, camera shake and vignette )

Tweaked for fast development :

- some of the values are turned off for development (exmaple : obj_player > step)  

- note : most of them are used this at the end "// <!> disabled for developpment"

- some of values are written in the middle of the game for quick debug

- some additional keys as well as secondary are assigned to give player choice and fast check

Bugs and fixes :

- when the bomb is dropping from top it's stuck for a sec

- while pressing fast q and e the game gets stuck

- while using q if used e it gave some time weird movement

- these abilities should gain throw time(drop from up or big enemies drop after die) or as level up [not able to finish in time]

# goal : 

player hp should not drop below 0 while destroying the enemies (my understanding to the game)


# conclusion :

I wasn't aware of this jam. After work finished then find out if not published in day 1 then can't be submitted day 2. wasn't aware of the rule properly.  A lesson learned. But enjoyed the whole process.


The_little_bomb_Day2.yyz 296 kB
The_little_bomb_Day2.zip 4.1 MB

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